A young woman, a journalist, walking along the street in a big city, notices a church that is open. She hears the music and is drawn into the worship. As she hears the words spoken, the music sung and, finally, is invited to receive Holy Communion, her life is transformed. She realizes in the taking of the bread that she receives something bigger than herself. She realizes in that moment that what she receives is nothing less than God's own self! What a powerful story this young woman carries within herself. Almost as immediately as she was transformed at the Eucharist, she goes back out into the street to share Jesus with others. No, literally, she goes out and begins to share food. Today, that food ministry has grown into something greater than herself. Because of her faithfulness, many on the streets of that same big city in the US are fed today. Oh, did I mention that she is a lesbian and a progressive? Why would that make a difference? So she doesn't fit the moralistic mold into which many well-meaning followers of Jesus fit; she responds to Jesus call to her every day. Through her faithful and faith-filled example all of the followers of Jesus could learn how completely Jesus grabs our lives and transforms us. Too often we allow labels to get in the way of what we think of others. What do you think, is the validity of a ministry based upon whether morality of the person doing the ministry?