Thursday, April 4, 2013

"Being" Church

"Where are the new wilderness roads that are emerging around us? Where are the new wilderness roads to which you are being called, along which perhaps you are already walking?"

Two rather involved questions, aren't they? First, one must identify the "wilderness" areas for the community. Where do you feel least comfortable? Does the breadth of the work take your breath away? Do you thirst for something more than just "same old same old"? For me, the last question is the first place to start.

In the wilderness (i.e., desert) thirst moves one forward. Something to quench the thirst must be found before  dehydration and rigor mortis takes over the body. So often, I think of the desert as the barren place of nothing; but, I wonder, can the desert be the place that shows me the thing that I thirst for the most and the deepest? Can the wilderness be that place that helps me to realize my deepest desires? I think it's common to humanity to have "wilderness times" - those times when one must seek with lots of effort to find what is most important, most desirable. For our community, can we identify the personal, individual wildernesses of self? Does that wilderness place coincide with the wilderness areas of our community?

To identify the wilderness wandering, it helps to focus on the present moment. Let go of the past and don't try to make the future real at the moment; just focus on the present moment. In the moment, one most easily realizes the opportunities available. When the opportunities arise, it's much easier to act on them for future development.

So, what is emerging around us?

What do you think?


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