Friday, April 20, 2012

Greetings to all!
It has been some time for me to enter into this new medium but I think it may be worth it. The reason it took me so long could be blamed on my penchant for the traditional; it could just as likely be blamed upon my inability to understand how one could be infinitely disconnected and yet feel connected through virtual reality. How can I, for example, send emails or blog comments to someone and feel I am connected, while sitting miles away with little or no chance of meeting? How can people who do meet periodically benefit from such virtual reality? How we wrestle with these basic questions will, no doubt, form how we use this blog.

I have named it "Expect the Unexpected" because it seems throughout the Christian scriptures God comes through in such unexpected ways. I could ask, "Why do we not expect God to act in such ways as God does?" What do you think - about the blog, about this idea of a public forum, about these questions?

God's peace,

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a good idea to try. This way we can all thoughtfully and honestly reply/discuss the questions responding when we have the time. While I feel this will be a good format, I do feel we need to meet periodically to continue to grow and foster our relationships. Greeting one another with a smile or hug and holding hands while praying the Lord's Prayer cannot be done via cyberspace.
