Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"The Practice of the Presence of God" is the name of a little book written by Brother Lawrence, three centuries ago. Apparently he lived in a French monastery and was an "uneducated cook". Despite his lack of education, he "discovered the secret to a life of joy. In the midst o f the ordinary bustle of pots and pans, [he] - a servant of the servants of God, as he called himself - cultivated a profound and continual awareness of God." (from the back cover of my copy)

It's a quick read, yet the depth of the book allows for many good readings and rereadings over a lifetime. Imagine what life would look like if we all lived in full awareness that God was present at every moment - right there beside us! Remember Jesus is also called "Immanu-El" = God with us.

Isn't that what the circle from the LifeShapes reminds us, that God is present in every moment? It's we who have the difficulty of sensing God's activity and presence in daily life. I know it's difficult thinking that the moment you have said for the thousandth time, "Go to bed!" to your children, that God might be there in the moment. Maybe it's just then that I need to sense God with me.

Let's practice the presence of God every day - not just when we feel like it or when it comes to mind, but every moment of every day.What do you think could happen?


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