Sunday, August 12, 2012

Greetings and salutations!
After summer vacation, it's time for us to get back to work through the blog. I had asked you to purchase the small book, Emerging Ministry: Being Church Today, by Nathan C.P. Frambach. The author is a professor at an ELCA seminary and I had the opportunity to meet him at the Northwest Ohio Synod Assembly in May 2012. He's a great guy, very personable and down to earth. I have read his book and was impressed at its simplicity and depth. I hope it generates much conversation among us as we read and digest it.

For 1 Sept, let's read the preface and chapter one ("Living God's mission today: an emerging landscape") and be ready to discuss by the 1st.

I am also suggesting two other books just as personal enjoyment/edification: (1) Brian McLaren's new book (due out on 11 Sept) Why did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha and Mohammed cross the road: Christian identity in a multi-faith world, and (2) Peter Rollins' new book (due in January 2013) The idolatry of God: Breaking the Addiction to Certainty and Satisfaction. The first one dares to lead the church into meditation and reflection about what it means to be a Christian today. According to reviews and updates, he weaves a conversation of the 4 religious leaders into modern day struggles. Rollins, on the other hand, dares to make one think about the need for answers in a world that seems more bent on delivering more questions.

I, for one, will be downloading both books to my nook!

If you're into scifi, try David Brin's latest, Existence. I have one review from a friend and have read many others. All seem to think that this is a must read.

In the meantime, happy reading!


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