Saturday, August 25, 2012

In their book, Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality makes Societies Stronger, authors Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson make the following statement about the comparison between the level of satisfaction/happiness in a developing country and that of an "affluent" one:

"...As you get more and more of anything, each addition to what you have - whether loaves of bread or cars - contributes less and less to your well-being. If you are hungry, a loaf of bread is everything, but when your hunger is satisfied, many more loaves don't particularly help you and might become a nuisance as they go stale." (p.25)

Those words, in light of John 6 (Jesus feeding the multitude and ensuing conversations), seemed to speak loudly to me today. The consummate bibliophile in me wants to rebel against such a statement, but the more I protest, the more it seems those words have seen right through me. How often do I pursue the perceived need to have more! I am only starting this book, but I can see it will offer challenge to me.

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