Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I never know what surprises are in store for me when I go to Ft Wayne, to the HalfPrice Bookstore. What am I saying, I rarely know what is in store for me from day to day - that's why this blog is called "Expecting the Unexpected". That's how I've experienced God in daily life. Needless to say, yesterday's trip to the bookstore was just as fulfilling as expected - or unexpected whichsoever is appropriate.

When I arrived, I migrated to my favorite section - the clearance! Lo and Behold! I found a wonderful book on the Emerging church for $3! Whether you are familiar, the term "emerging" or "emergent" church is used today for what our congregation is going through. It seems to me, however, that the Church is always emerging from something; and so, my questions for today: Do you like the term "emerging" or "emergent"? What do they say to you - good or bad? Do they help or hinder our understanding of God? Let's make this our discussion topic. Talk amongst yourselves...

[Finally, I have reread (for the 3rd or 4th time) an e-book on my Kindle app for computer: "A Better Atonement: Beyond the Depraved Doctrine of Original Sin". I read it again because it's author - an Emerging Church leader and theologian - intrigues me with the way he thinks. Before you start to think that your pastor is a heretic, the author does believe in sinfulness and sin, but thinks about it in a creative way by using ancient and modern theologians. If you are up for a captivating, theological read, download it - it's cheap. If you don't have a Kindle or don't have the app on your computer, it's free as well - Amazon wants you to buy books!]


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