Wednesday, May 23, 2012

You're sitting in a coffee shop or favorite resaurant and someone, a stranger walks up to you. She sees that you are reading the Bible or some related "churchy" book. She makes a snide comment, "Looks like you're one of those Jesus believers," and stomps off to her seat near yours. What do you do? Do you respond to her off-putting comment or let it go, ignoring her? Do you hope to finish quickly your coffee and get out of there? Or, do you look forward to such an encounter so you can squash her "in the name of Jesus"?

How you respond tells not only her but, also you and every other person who heard the conversation, to understand how a follower of Jesus acts in public. What do you do?

I know you've been in a similar moment in your life. Perhaps the person was not so much a stranger; maybe it was the neighbor you never took time to notice. The truth is, modern people want less lip service from religious folks and more action. How you and I "are" in daily life really makes a difference. Let's discuss how to "be" Jesus' followers today.


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