Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Peter Rollins - an Irish author, theologian whom I got to meet in person in February, is writing a new book, The Idolatry of God. It's a thought-provoking title, but I wonder how many ideas we have about God that we need to let go of in order to truly experience the freeing, life-giving God? Today in text study with my colleagues, we wrestled with the word "joy". What does it mean? Can we explain it, or is it rather something to be experienced - something beyond words? How does one experience true joy? When? To what extent can you or I experience true joy in this life?

All of these seem like trick questions, meant to stump; or, they sound like depressing questions that lead to despair and hopelessness. It seems, however that true joy, whatever that means, can be experienced in this life and that can happen multiple times throughout one's life. What factors are important in order for someone to experience it?

Just some things to make you go, "Hmmm..."


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