Thursday, March 28, 2013

Arvo Part: Passio

I have a personal tradition: during the Triduum, I like to listen to music for the Passion. Some years I listen to Bach's Passion or Beethoven's Passion. This year I am listening to my all time favorite composer: Arvo Part (last name pronounced like "pear" with a "t" on the end). He is Estonian, a 20th Century composer who does a lot of work based on minimalist and Eastern Orthodox works.

Part's music holds a sense of mystery and openness - it's hard to explain unless you listen to him. So, give him a try.

In our house, we usually color eggs on Holy Friday. Don't know why, it's just a tradition. I really get tired of eating boiled eggs...

Those are my traditions for Maundy Thursday, Holy Friday and Holy Saturday. What traditions do you have?

Pr Tim

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