Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"Crood" or fearful: How do You Choose to Live?

Annie and I, Luke and Sophie took a day off to the movies on Monday, 25 March. I recommend seeing "The Croods" in 3-D. Not only is the animation great, the movie has a good theme: how one deals with change concerns more than inconvenience - whether we change is a question of life and death.

Epha, one of the main characters refuses to live a life of sameness, of caution - a life based on fear. She exclaims at a pivotal moment that living in fear is "not living, it's just not dying!"

It makes me think about my life. How often am I content with "just not dying" because I am afraid to live? It's not just a matter of answering the right question, though.

How many friends and influential people in my life keep me thinking that "just not dying" is normal? You see, to live is to change. Life always involves change; every moment of every day is change. You are not the same person you were when you began reading this blog post just seconds ago.

Epha, one individual in a prehistoric cave dwelling family, realizes that change is inevitable. As a matter of fact, she show us a deep human reality: when you and I choose to live in fear, the oldest, least developed part of our brain takes over. You and I, in reality, become those cave dwelling Neanderthals who could not see any further than the mouth of their cave.

That's a difficult truth to accept, but look around at what is happening around us. Is everything remaining stagnant, or is the world dynamic? If we are honest, the call to change seems fear-filled, but it takes a lot more energy to make sure our little corner of the world remains the same.

Remember when Jesus called us to "take up our cross", and remember when he reminded that his message "brings a sword" that divides? What does he prepare us for but change? It's inevitable, it's a natural step in the right direction. The only question now is: Which fears can we release in order to help us go forward?

Pr Tim


  1. Wow, what a powerful thought! Living a life in fear is not living, it's just not dying...

  2. Thanks, for the comment. I recommend the movie as well.

