Thursday, March 21, 2013

On the History Channel there is a new series on the Bible. Have you seen it? I have not. Life without cable or satellite is not without its drawbacks. I will have to wait for it to come on Netflix or on Hulu. If you have seen it, I would like to know your reaction. Did you like it? Did you not like it? What was done well or not so well?

I ask this question because I think it helps us to understand a little about how we view the Bible. Is it necessary to keep every word exactly the same and tell a story from it without any embellishment? Is it ok for a movie to take "poetic license" when retelling the story of the Bible? Our responses to this question may help us see what is most important to us as followers of Jesus when we hear, tell or discuss arguably the "greatest story ever told."

Take the question a step further. How many of us take the time to read the Bible daily? How many of us have actually read the entire Bible? What did you get from reading it entirely? Do you learn something different if you read it in small portions that may skip around or concentrate in certain areas? How can we discuss scripture if we do not answer these questions for ourselves?

Scripture, it seems to me, has a prominent place in our lives because it helps to inform us how God has acted in the past and can act in our lives today. Additionally, because it was written by a community of believers and because that community continues until today, it helps to form us into a specific people who follow after a specific God who has specifically chosen to be with us, to live, suffer, die and rise from the dead.

So, what do you think?

Pr Tim


  1. I feel that when viewing something like this series, it is important to remember that it was made as entertainment and with "poetic license". But, I do find it entertaining and I do like trying to understand what life and the culture was like back then. So - I guess I like the entertainment value, but also think I may learn something at the same time. But- keep it in perspective- it is one person's or group of people's interpretation. Is it accurate? How would we with our 21st century perspective be able to know?

  2. One person's perspective; that's an interesting way to make your point. Well made. I, too, wonder about our ability to get accurate perspectives of the Bible when we are so far removed from the time period and culture. I wonder, how far we can stretch that "perspective"? I mean, each book of the Bible is written from the perspective of a human writer. How do we find such deep truths in these human writings?

  3. I have been watching the series and am enjoying it very much. I am impressed with my own knowledge of these events! The shows touches upon the main stories of the bible and it certainly reminds us all how the Old Testament was a time of killing and suffering. I could not wait for Jesus to be born and see our loving Savior doing his work.

  4. I guess you must have a good pastor? :) Really, how much can a TV show do with an epic? I wonder, is the series showing any of the less violent moments in the OT? There are many of those moments in there as well. Too often, it seems, we are ready to jump on the violence of the OT while overlooking the grace. Just something to think about.
