Thursday, March 21, 2013

Well, since my last blog post (too long ago, I must say) we have gotten a new website, updated the audio-visual system in the worship space and gone live on the internet with every worship service! Now, this blog, which was formerly a semi-private one has gone public on our congregational webpage! I need to explain a bit about the blog.

First, this blog was started as a tool of continual learning for a handful of people who attended a discipleship class on Sunday mornings after worship. I posted in the beginning things that directly related to things we had learned in the class together. Then, the posts evolved into other areas - emerging church, theology and personal reflections on scriptures.

Second, the blog was meant to be for a small group. When writing for a specific group, one usually knows the group well enough to know what to say and how to say it. The blog posts, then, have been pointed at deepening the learning of things we experienced together in the discipleship class.

Third, the blog was intended to make all of us in the group to think. Too often in modern society, we don't have to think because we can pick up a computer and know what to think by "googling" a question or struggle of the day. Those who followed the blog knew that the posts were not always easy to digest in one, quick reading; one had to ponder the reflections over coffee or even discuss them with others. These are not "be all - end all" answers to life's deepest, darkest questions. These posts are the thoughts and reflections of a fellow pilgrim in the midst of life's struggles.

Finally, my desire is now to change up the blog a bit. I want to expand the audience of this blog. I also want to blog more regularly and get anyone who decides to read the blog to respond to the posts. You have found you way to this point and I invite you to comment on the posts. We follow some simple rules:
    1.  All posts must be cordial in nature, no personal attacks on anyone. Any posts that do not reflect the     nature of cordial discourse and discussion will be deleted.
    2.  We respond in a timely manner. Once a new reflection comes up, we end conversation on the previous one.
    3.  We do not monopolize the conversation. Sometimes it is good to sit back and listen to other comments. Usually, one comment per person is sufficient.
    4.  This blog is not about making sure that everyone who responds believes the right thing, nor is it my job to make sure to correct erroneous thoughts.

To that end, welcome to the pastor's blog "Expecting the Unexpected".
Pr Tim

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