Saturday, March 30, 2013


Seems to be the theme since Palm Sunday - emptiness.

First, there was Jesus' emptying of self. In that act, Jesus showed to humanity the fullness and depth of God's love. It's a love meant not only for humanity, but for all creation. God will stop at nothing to bring creation to a place of beauty, justice, mercy, compassion, love.

Then, on Maundy Thursday, we heard Jesus' command to "love one another, as I have loved you..." In so loving, Jesus stooped to wash the feet of his disciples. That, too, is our call as Jesus' disciples - to serve one another in love. Emptying becomes our call as followers of the one who emptied himself of all power and authority. In humbleness, we stoop before the world to love and serve.

Holy Friday's emptiness comes in abandonment: abandonment of Jesus himself as he cries out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"; abandonment of the followers of Jesus as he dies, leaving them empty of leadership; abandonment for us today, as we experience it in so many places and so many ways in daily life - of self, of friends, of loved ones.

Finally, the Great Easter Vigil shows us the final emptiness: the empty tomb. There we find hope for daily life - the little deaths of each day bring life in other places. The emptiness of the tomb reminds us of the disappearance of the seed planted in the ground, only to rise as a tree; it reminds us of the emptied womb with the birth of a child; the empty tomb gives hope that death need be no longer feared.

Today, we celebrate the hope of resurrection that is all around us!

Pr Tim

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